When you need a fastener for tying down cargo or for locking the arms down on a cam-lock, the fastener better be robust and be built to last. For your heavy-duty cable tie needs in the Automotive industry we offer the highest quality fasteners:
- Kwik Bandit™ Elastic Rubber Ties and Straps
- Ty-Up® Pallet Banding and Tie Downs
- SPEEDWRAP® Cinch Straps
Problem: Designing a custom Hose Restraint for Radiator Assembly
A major supplier to Chrysler requested a reusable fastening solution for tying back the radiator hoses for the installation of the radiator assembly in their assembly plant.
Solution: Specially modified Straight Strip with Welded End (Pull)
Speedtech’s Engineering Sales Team visited both the Supplier and Chrysler to study the problem and design a custom fastener and unique carrier device for reuse/recycling. The Speedtech solution replaced single-use Mylar strips with reusable straps, greatly reducing costs and safety issues caused by the removable adhesive backing materials.
But that’s not all—they needed a method for returning the used straps back to the subcontractor for the next use. Enter the SPEEDWRAP® CARRIER™. This patent-pending receiver helps the radiator assembler to locate, remove and install the fasteners.